NOT THAT WAY! Starring, Patton Oswalt as George, and Meredith Salenger as Maggie, with special appearance by Nic Cage.



AERIAL SHOT over a snowy evergreen tree mountain side. Two hikers decked out in hiking gear

can be seen WALKING and their CRUNCHING sounds on the snow trail are loud, and obvious.

The overcast skies, and fog make the steep drop off parallel to the trail difficult to notice, suddenly

a large dark figure STANDS up at the edge of the cliff near a row of trees, the large creature

scratches its back on the thickest tree, and the branches shake violently. GEORGE, and MAGGIE

stop walking abruptly, and look in the direction of the commotion.


                                                                                                                  CUT TO:  

CLOSE ON Maggie and George, they stay completely still staring with wide eyes at the furry beast

relieving its itch on the bent over tree. ANGLE ON the BEAR, it stops scratching, REVERSE ANGLE 

the bear looks at Maggie, and George, then lets out a loud bellow.



                                                              Don't move.

Maggie screams, and starts to run down the trail, she stops - kneels down, then drops her backpack

rummages through it, and pulls out a revolver pistol, when she looks up she sees BIGFOOT standing

like a mighty Oak towering over her. Maggie points her gun at the Bigfoot with shaking hands.

The Bigfoot yells in English, and pulls its head off revealing JACK's face. SWISH PAN you can see

the bear running away, and George walking toward Jack and Maggie. PAN with George walking,

and meeting up with Jack, and a now standing Maggie still holding the gun on Jack.



                                                              When did you? I can respect that.



                                                             You're lucky I didn't shoot you Jack!



                                                             Sorry Jack. And Maggie I'm...


Maggie storms off frazzled in the direction of the cliff.



                                                           Where is the god damn cabin you assholes?!


                                      [TITLE EXPANDS TO FULL SCREEN/FADES AWAY]

                                                          NOT THAT WAY! There's a hundred foot drop off!


                                                           I'm sorry Maggie, it was his idea! The bear was an unfortunate

                                                           coincidence, it made an innocent joke worse!

Maggie stops, and turns around.


                                                           Innocent? Fuck off! And after everything that happened before.

                                                           I'm freezing. How much further?

Maggie puts the gun in her pant line within easy reach. 


                                                          Less than a mile.





Maggie is sitting at her table sipping coffee, phone in hand. Sights, and sounds of beach surf 

waves crashing outside permeates the interior atmosphere.


                                                       Siri call Jack. (Siri's voice: calling Jack)


                                                       What's up Sis?


                                                       Hey Jack, the producer from that cheesy Searching For Bigfoot

                                                       series on Prime contacted me, and wants me to be a guest on their

                                                       season 3 first episode. I'm kind of interested, can you check him out

                                                       for me.


                                                       Sure send me the info, I'll get a hold of him. How are you

                                                       doing since your video went viral?


                                                      I'm hiding out on the Oregon coast for the moment.

                                                      Have you watched the video?


                                                      Yeah a few times.


                                                      Well what do you think? I thought I was going to die! You

                                                      know I didn't believe in Bigfoot until that happened to me.


                                                      Maybe it was someone in a suit being a creep, you know you 

                                                      shouldn't...(beat) I worry about you doing those videos out in the

                                                      woods by yourself, get a dog a large dog or take a friend.


                                                      This George guy, the producer wants to shoot the episode at the

                                                      spot it happened, wants to try to capture another sighting for his show,

                                                      but not until you see if he's on the up and up for me. Oh, and he

                                                      wants to meet, and discuss over coffee, I said not without a friend, he

                                                      agreed to bring the anthropologist from his show too.


                                                       Alright Maggie, I'm on it, gotta go, customer just came in

                                                       the store, call you back after I talk to that producer.


                                                        Thank you.

Maggie hangs up, and turns to look out the window of her van, she utters a soft sigh, and sips her 

coffee. Her eyes well up, and a tear rolls down her cheek.



A customer is looking at the glass case with rows of varying types of handguns. Jack unlocks the

case, and reaches in to pull one out.


                                                       Check out this triple action revolver with pearl inlay grip,















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