
Showing posts from February, 2024

The Unsanctioned. Starring, Adam Driver as Bob, Zendaya as Katie, and Pete Davidson as Evan.

FADE IN: MAIN TITLE EXT.  -  STORE PARKING LOT  -  NIGHT BOB is standing near a car for sale, and another car pulls up right next to Bob. EVAN parks, and exits his car to greet Bob. The parking lot is mostly empty.                                                                  EVAN                                                        Hi, I'm Evan. So what do you think?                                                                   BOB                   ...

The Great Mushroom, Truffle War: A Love Story. Starring, Ethan Hawke as Joe, Julie Delpy as Gail, and Owen Wilson as Hal.

FADE IN: EXT.  -  EVERGREEN FOREST  -  DAY We see a vast dense forest as far as the eye can see, the sun is rising creating a beautiful orange glow across the tops of the trees. Sounds of bird wildlife is heard intermittently. CUT TO:  MAIN TITLE SOMEWHERE IN THE OREGON WOODS EXT.  -  FOREST FLOOR  -  CONT. CLOSE ON a huge pig SNIFFING at the base of a tree. CUT TO: INT.  -  CAMPING TENT  -  CONT. JOE stirs awake from the animal noises outside his tent. He sits up a little panicked, but stays quiet, and listens intently. The pig GRUNTS are unmistakable. Joe hears HAL & GAIL's voices getting nearer. He partially unzips the door to his tent, and the pig is right there in his face, he yelps, and falls backwards from the jump scare. The voices are loud, and clear now, but Joe stays in his tent, and hurriedly zips his door back up.                           ...