
Showing posts from December, 2023

NOT THAT WAY! Starring, Patton Oswalt as George, and Meredith Salenger as Maggie, with special appearance by Nic Cage.

 FADE IN:  EXT.  SNOW MOUNTAIN TRAIL  -  DAY AERIAL SHOT over a snowy evergreen tree mountain side. Two hikers decked out in hiking gear can be seen WALKING and their CRUNCHING sounds on the snow trail are loud, and obvious. The overcast skies, and fog make the steep drop off parallel to the trail difficult to notice, suddenly a large dark figure STANDS up at the edge of the cliff near a row of trees, the large creature scratches its back on the thickest tree, and the branches shake violently. GEORGE, and MAGGIE stop walking abruptly, and look in the direction of the commotion.                                                                                                                ...

Call of Duty: Red Ice Apocalypse.

Faux casting. Starring Hugh Jackman as Dad. Meghan Markle as Daughter. Bredan Fraser as Brother. Aubrey Plaza as Sister. George Clooney as POTUS Michael Davies. Bob Odenkirk as White House  Chief of Staff John Fenwick. Tilda Swinton as MI6 Agent Mary Ainsworth. Directed by Bryce Dallas Howard. INT.  MILITARY AIRCRAFT  -  DAY Four individuals in advanced special ops gear sit on a bench two on one side, and two on the other across the aisle, they're cycling their weapons, and double checking each others parachute packs. The oldest male soldier looks at the female soldiers on the other side, they look back making eye  contact.                                                                         DAD                         ...