Call of Duty: Red Ice Apocalypse.

Faux casting. Starring Hugh Jackman as Dad. Meghan Markle as Daughter. Bredan Fraser as Brother.

Aubrey Plaza as Sister. George Clooney as POTUS Michael Davies. Bob Odenkirk as White House 

Chief of Staff John Fenwick. Tilda Swinton as MI6 Agent Mary Ainsworth. Directed by Bryce Dallas Howard.


Four individuals in advanced special ops gear sit on a bench two on one side, and two on the other

across the aisle, they're cycling their weapons, and double checking each others parachute packs.

The oldest male soldier looks at the female soldiers on the other side, they look back making eye 



                                                Daughter. Sister. Ready?


                                                Ready. Dad are you, and Brother ready?



They put their helmets on simultaneously then move to the back of the aircraft, the rear ramp opens,

and they jump out single file in a timed coordinated effort, suddenly they're falling toward a dull

concrete structure in the middle of a flat frozen ice field - icy hills, and mountains can be seen in the

background, the ground is close now, and they deploy their chutes to open one after another. Just as

 the last chute opens, a hail of tracer bullets wizz past the soldiers as they float down, but before

anyone is shot all four soldiers release their chutes, and cruise at great speed in deployed wing suits.

They zip past the Gatlin gun turrets, and hit open their secondary parachutes just on the backside of the

building landing hard. A loud whirring buzz is heard, the team look up.


                                                Tesla drones! Cloaks!

All four commandos disappear into the environment around them as they flip a mirror blanket over

themselves, a hail of bullet spray comes from the drones ricocheting off the impenetrable invisible  

cloaks the elite squad are now hiding under.

                                                                                                             CUT TO:



POTUS Davies stands at the window pondering with a concerned look on his face.

Chief of Staff Fenwick is sitting on the couch. POTUS turns around, walks to his desk, and sits.


                                                     How can this happen John?


                                                    Sir, mission Red Ice Apocalypse is under way, you're needed in the 

                                                    war room. (beat) Mr. President? You mean nukes under the ice at the

                                                    top of the world?


                                                    No, I mean how did we let them talk us in to allowing family members 

                                                    to train as an elite military unit?


                                                    Rhetorical. Sir you only do that when you're angry or just got some

                                                    new intel. What is it?


                                                    They're going to finally announce themselves officially to the world.


                                                     Why?! Why now?


                                                     They think the families won't succeed this mission, and they want

                                                     to personally intervene to save the day. (beat) To save the world, and

                                                     when they do that, then the world will accept them, at least that's

                                                     what they believe. If we say no, then no more toys, and the end of




                                                     Oh that's just a bunch of bullshit sir, we can't let that happen!


                                                     I know.

                                                                                                                   CUT TO:



Dear reader, originally I was going to add several extra opening scenes including more commando

battle with two flashbacks to show how the family oriented elite military unit came to be, but I decided

to think about my next idea, and move on from this one, basically because I paused for a lengthy time,

and lost interest, also it was headed down the over convoluted road of ridiculousness, besides I know

nothing about the Call of Duty franchise, and was too lazy to do research. Someday I'd like to see 

Hollywood make a terrific adaption done right for the big screen with all the expert consultants 

involved coming from the gaming industry. 






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